Those are my books up there, serving as eye candy and accompaniment to a lovely-looking tea. A very delicious-looking tea and an absolutely beautiful tea setting. And not one I planned or attended. One of my readers sent me her photos of one of her personal tea parties. And she didn’t even know how much I also love teas, as in tea with delicious little treats, but Talking to the Dead Guys and Tea With a Dead Gal are cozy mysteries I wrote about Lockhart, Texas and our dog Boo Radley. She made a good choice of books for her tea. There will be a third book in the series someday. I’ve even got the title for it.

My favorite part of a tea party is the little sandwiches. Then the tea. The pastries are scrumptious of course, but give me the little sandwiches!
Before everyone turned housebound (covid virus strategy), my sister and I had the habit of going to almost all the tea services that were available. Big hotels in big towns sometimes have them, Las Vegas has them, New Orleans has them. Austin has two Steeping Room restaurants that are designed around the tea ceremony. Alamo Drafthouse has a monthly movie and tea. But the best by far have been the teas they have at the DeGolyer Tea Room at the Dallas Arboretum. They’re taking reservations for late Fall this year, but I’d not chance it just yet. We’ve never tried the Adolphus Hotel tea in Dallas. They will likely have a holiday tea, but aren’t open just now.
Thank you Becky Matthews Haynie for sending me your tea photos, and for using my books as props and reading material. I hope you enjoyed them.
WHAT I READ THIS WEEK: Beguiling the Beauty by Sherry Thomas. Ravishing the Heiress by Sherry Thomas. Tempting the Bride by Sherry Thomas.
You can find all my books at https://amazon.com/author/gretchenrix. Almost all of them are also on Audible.