What I read this week: Night Magic by actor-turned-writer Thomas Tryon. Although it’s more accurate to say What I finished reading this week. It took me a long time to read this book and the overly-literary style was out of my comfort zone, but I did enjoy it. I also read two Jack Reacher novels, one totally this week Nothing to Lose, and finishing up one other Worth Dying For. They had a lot in common and I’m glad I read Worth Dying For first. I think it was the better story.
Ate at Dan’s Hamburgers in Kyle (onion rings were great!). Got a mammogram from ARA in Kyle too. On Tuesday and Wednesday we had a huge rainstorm. Looked like most people were staying home, at least on Wednesday when I ventured out to Black’s BBQ for their 4 for $10.00 chopped beef sandwich sale.
Reading The Son of Tarzan right now, even though I’ve read it before. Pretty good, but over-bloodthirsty and a bit more racist than I remembered. A great story illustrating tell, not show as a form of writing. I hardly noticed it.
The weather is turning warmer, thank you. And if you’re interested, Nine of my books are in the Austin Public Library system. Several of my books are in the Lockhart Public Library, three are in the Bryan, Texas library, and they are all available through Amazon and Brown and Noble as e-books.