This is the sequel to The Cowboy’s Baby. And it’s a better book. It really is, and can be enjoyed without first reading the previous book. Part of the plot follows the Puss In Boots fairy tale theme.
I think I made a mistake with the title and the cover, but I’m keeping them as is, which is probably another mistake. I’m stubborn like that.
Heaven is the name of a town, and the bull on the cover is leaping, not ascending to the afterlife. Nobody dies, but both the title and the cover imply that they do.
Why am I telling you this. Basically, to pass on some writer advice. Be careful with your titles, be careful with your covers.
I’ve been pleased with my titles. The Cowboy’s Baby, Arroyo, Talking to the Dead Guys, Twisted Rixter, The Cowboy’s Baby Goes to Heaven, Tea With a Dead Gal, The Safari Bride, The Cimarron Bride, Ill Met By Moonlight, Baby Sings the Boos, The Goodall Mutiny, The Goodall Manifest, The Goodall Marauders, and Brown, a mystery novel.
You can find my books at Nook, at Smashwords, at Audible, and at Amazon https://amazon.com/author/gretchenrix.
WHAT I READ THIS WEEK: The Coronation by Boris Akunun and Death Takes A Partner by Dean Wesley Smith.

This is a book by one of my friends.