The Taking of Rhinoceros 456

This is the last remaining of my original covers. All the others were updated by Streetlight Graphics. A friend who was a graphic designer did this for us from a photo my sister took. This was from our behind- the- scenes encounter with rhinos at the San Antonio Zoo, which was appropriate, since The Taking of Rhinoceros 456 was inspired by one of our other visits to this zoo, and is set at this zoo (under a fictitious name, to protect the …).

This story was about half this length originally. It also didn’t have quite the theme I ended up with here, and has a lot more characters. The change came from comments from a friend who read the original.

While I am proud of the story as it stands now, as a writer I’m going to put out a bit of advice. Only change your story if your editor insists, and even then, do so carefully.

I’m not saying my original was better, but it was certainly not what you see here.

That said, you can find this story for Kindle reading in the collection Twisted Rixter and as a single story at And it’s narrated by Theo Holland in the Audible version of Twisted Rixter.

And guess what? Every time I type the title The Taking Rhinoceros 456 I have to look up the spelling of rhinoceros (or trust spellcheck).

WHAT I READ THIS WEEK; His At Night by Sherry Thomas. and The Vor Game by Lois McMaster Bujold.

This is a book written by one of my friends.