I’m writing Chapter Three of my WIP (that means work in progress). When I was writing my first published book I spelled out the chapters (I just got up and checked. Yep. THE COWBOY’S BABY has the chapters spelled out.)
Over the years though, I got worried about maybe misspelling Fourteen or Nineteen or Eighty or something, so I moved to using numerals. (I’m not going to get up and check again, so I might be misremembering this. but I think my next phase was to say Chapter 1, etc.) And for a long time now I’ve tossed the word Chapter aside and just say 1,2,3,4,5, etc. Which might be why I sometimes come up with two Chapter 26’s every once in a while.
Well, now I’m back to square one, using Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, etc. It’s probably the most formal of the choices. My WARM HEART novel (not its true name) is a Western horror novel. It needs the formal touch.
Oh, and I forgot. I have once used captions under my Chapter designations. Very old-fashioned that. THE CIMARRON BRIDE https://amzn.com/B07GTSD421.
FYI: The mermaid picture has nothing to do with my novels or this blog. My sister took the photo.