Wish me luck

Today I entered BROWN, a mystery novel by G.L. Rix into a writing contest. The Writer’s League of Texas. It is also entered in the Texas Authors contest. Wish me luck. 


WHAT I’VE READ SINCE LAST TIME: The Magnolia Sword by Sherry Thomas. Shockwave (Star Kingdom #1) by Lindsay Buroker. The Skeleton Stuffs a Stocking by Leigh Perry.

Thoughts for today

Tonight’s the State of the Union address. I’m not watching.

New Braunfels Smokehouse has a new menu. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

I finished a hugely intense science fiction writing workshop last week.

I’m writing on my next mystery novel again. Yea, me!

And I’ve submitted a new science fiction short story to Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine. Double Yea, me!

And the cat wants to play with me right now.

WHAT I’VE READ SINCE LAST TIMEThe Institute by Stephen King. 

You can get free Audible codes for several of my books at https://audiobookwormpromotions.com/adopt-an-audiobook/

And e-book or paperback of all my books at Amazon.com.

And if you live in Lockhart, Texas (or visit here), there are three copies of BABY SINGS THE BOOS at Logo’s.

Busy writing short stories

I’m taking a craft writing course, brushing up on how to write science fiction short stories. Learning a lot, re-learning some things, and having a blast writing. The last book in the Goodall series will be a lot better for it.





WHAT I’VE READ SINCE LAST POST The Hills Is Lonely by Lillian Beckwith. A Lady’s Lesson in Scandal by Meredith Duran.





Brown, a mystery novel and The Goodall Mutiny

I’m working on the sequel to Brown, a mystery novel. Have 59 pages finished, or mostly finished. It’s going slowly this time, although frankly, I don’t remember how long it took me to write Brown, though I could look it up. Critique group today really liked Chapter 6.

And I had a reader really like (with some very specific and helpful exceptions) the audio version of The Goodall Mutiny. The narration of those three books (on Audible) by Alexandra Haag is remarkable. Sometimes she sent chills down my spine, especially with the last book The Goodall Marauders.

May do a omnibus version of this space opera. I’m giving it a lot of thought.

I’ve been reading science fiction short stories, and reading science fiction short stories, etc, for it seems like forever. Most of them are excellent. But I prefer novels. I am, however, bound and determined to write some excellent sf stories myself this year. Mystery shorts too.


Here’s a photo of one of my cats. 

Bouchercon 2019 Aftermath

Writers. Do you ever wonder what happens to the bookmarks we distribute to other writers, and readers? Sure, some of them make it home with them and are used as bookmarks. But probably not in your book. Most probably end up in the trash.

I made a promise to myself at Bouchercon 2019 to do something for you. I looked up every author who gave me a bookmark or other swag, and made a list. I have the original list saved for later. On it I’ve made comments based on the first paragraph of every book. I’ve already bought three of the books on this list. Bet I buy a few more over the next few years.

My private list contains notes about whether I might like the book or not. Don’t want to influence anyone away from a book they might enjoy, so I edited my comments out.

So here we go:

Hank Phillippi Ryan, Trust Me. Tori Eldridge, The Ninja Daughter. Lauri Broadbent, Images. Barbara Schlichting, The Broken Circle. Patricia Shanae Smith, Remember. Carl Vonderau, Murderabilia. Grace Topping, Staging Is Murder. Kaye George, Choke.

Kathy Waller, Stabbed. Anna Gerard, Peach Clobbered. Catherine Bruns, Penne Dreadful. Tina Kashian, On The Lamb. Paula Munier, Blind Search. Sherry Knowlton, Dead of Spring. Mark Bergin, Apprension.Connie Berry, A Dream of Death.

Christin Brecher, Murder’s No Votive Confidence. Johnathan Brown, The Big Crescendo. Kelsey Rae Dimberg, Girl in the Rearview Mirror. Heather Harper Ellett, Ain’t Nobody Nobody. James O’Keefe, Unto Madness. Layne Fargo, Temper. Shaun Hamill, A Cosmology of Monsters.

John A. Hoda, Odessa on the Delaware. R.J. Jacobs, And Then You Were Gone.Sara E. Johnson, Molten Mud Murder. Angel Kim, Miracle Creek.Vanessa Lillie, Little Voices. Dolores Marone, Status Missing. John McMahon, The Good Detective.

Rachel Neuburger Reynolds, Drowning Lessons. August Norman, Come and Get Me. Stephanie Perkins, Murder Once Removed. Tracey S. Phillips, Best Kept Secrets. Dea Poirier, Next Girl to Die. Joseph Schneider, One Day You’ll Burn. Rick Treon, Deep Background. Scott Von Duviak, Charlesgate Confidential. John Vercher, Three-Fifths.

Margaret Mizushima, The Timber Creek K-9 Mysteries. Lexann Beornet, Three Second Escape. Connie Berry, A Legacy of Murder. Leigh Perry, The Skeleton Makes a Friend.Susan D. Peters, The Iron Collar. Debra Goldstein, One Taste Too Many. Mary Lawrence, The Alchemist of Lost Souls.

Travis Richardson, Bloodshot and Bruised. Matt Coyle, Wrong Light. Margaret Dumas, Murder in the Balcony. Debbie Herbert, Unmasking the Shadow Man. Michael Stanley, A Carrion Death. Pricilla Paton, Where Privacy Dies.Jane Suen, Murder Creek.

James L’Etoile, Bury the Past. Frank Zafiro, Waist Deep. Kathleen Barber, Truth Be Told. Triss Stein, Brooklyn Legacies. Wendall Thomas, Drowned Under. Tosca Lee, The Line Between. Vivian Barz, Forgotten Bones. Jo Perry, Dead Is Better. D.R. Ransdell, Mariachi Meddler.

Andy Hayes, Fourth Down and Out. Dian S. S. Stuckhart, Fool’s Moon. Amy Gentry, Good As Gone. Amy Stewart, Girl Waits With Gun. Kathleen Barber, Follow Me. John Copenhaver, Dodging and Burning. Suzanne Trauth, Show Time.

Kelly Brakenhoff, Death by Dissertation. Jennifer Lewis Williams, A Murder Among Friends. Roberta Rogow, Lorr and Disorder. David M. Salkin, The Team. Maggie Foster, The Arms of Death. Carole Nelson Douglas, Cat in an Alphabet Soup. 

My book is Brown, a mystery novel by G. L. Rix.


WHAT I’VE READ SINCE LAST POST:  The Art of Theft by Sherry Thomas.











AQUASAURUS came first, and it was a doozy of a Michael Crichton-like monster movie of a novel. Now we have SEARCH FOR AQUASAURUS, which (spoiler alert) means the prehistoric crocodilian menace from the first book got away somehow.

I’m glad, because now we have a second rip-roaring action adventure about some Texans going all out to kill the thing (or capture it for study, as one group aims to do).

These two books by author Ernie Lee are great fun to read. He is also author of HIM (about the servant girl murders in Austin that pre-dated Jack the Ripper), and a book of poetry WHERE THE WILD RICE GROWS. You can find him at book festivals around the state, and comic coms in central Texas.

You can find his books at Amazon.com and other outlets.

WHAT I’VE READ SINCE LAST POST: Albatross by R. A. MacAvoy and Nancy Palmer. Search for Aquasaurus by Ernie Lee. The Island Thief by Patrick Kelly. Cibola Burn by James S.A. Corey. Ask Him Why by Catherine Ryan Hyde.