How I spent my cruise time

The picture is the cover for one of my early short stories, published in Kindle format, and also available in the collection Twisted Rixter. Streetlight Graphics designed it, with help from me. I wrote the story, “Saints & Sinners,” in the car while my sister drove us down to Galveston for our first big cruise (we’d previously done a Barefoot Cruise on a sailing ship, a completely different experience). I wrote the rest of the story while sitting on the main deck, hanging out in the bar, sitting in the library all by myself, etc. It was a great experience, and since this was pre-laptop, all of it was written by hand. I still have the writing tablet with the original story in it. What else I remember of this experience was that it was fun writing in different locations, but it was also difficult. And truth be told, I always felt like I was broadcasting “Look at me! Writer writing!”

WHAT I READ SINCE LAST POST: Shortcake by Lucy Watson. Along Came A Spider by James Patterson.

I never say anything more here about my reading list. Today’s an exception. Shortcake by Lucy Watson is the funniest romance novel I’ve ever read, and it’s completely romantic as well.

You can read my recent stories on our website Look for it under the news tab.