
Managed to work our dog Darwin into my last short story.

Managed to work our dog Darwin into my last short story.

Today I wrote THE END to the sixth of six short stories scheduled for my next little collection, and it marks the end of the rough draft stage of my three writing projects for 2014. On an unrelated note, I just finished watching last night’s Master Chef and now I want a gourmet donut.

Now comes the fun stuff: editing and/or revising if they need it. I’ve got a steamy adventure romance. I’ve got the second in the Boo-Done-It murder mystery series. And I’ve got the small collection that will tie together my two series (Boo-Done-It and The Cowboy’s Baby).

If  the editing and publication goes well on these three, then I’ll start what will be my major project for 2015, a horror novel.

Until then, check out ARROYO, a weird western. See if you like romantic comedy with a fairy tale base: THE COWBOY’S BABY and THE COWBOY’S BABY GOES TO HEAVEN. The first Lockhart mystery about our dog Boo Radley and her fictious ability to drag her owners onto murder scenes–TALKING TO THE DEAD GUYS. And if you like quirky, then you’ll like TWISTED RIXTER, some of my recent short stories.

You can find all of them here at the Kindle store.


Here's the inspiration for my mystery novels.

Here’s the inspiration for my mystery novels.



WHAT I READ THIS WEEK:  Brood of Bones by A. E. Marling.  Midnight Crossroad by Charlaine Harris.  Raney by Clyde Edgerton.

Book Signing

Still a few copies available

Still a few copies available

Two copies available.

Two copies available.

Join us this Friday from 5 pm to 8 pm at the Lockhart Shoppes on Main (101 South Main) for my first book signing of THE COWBOY’S BABY GOES TO HEAVEN.

This is part of the First Friday event many of the merchants around the courthouse square have been participating in, staying open late for shoppers and tourists. Should be fun. Food, drink, antiques, collectibles, the beautiful view of our courthouse, and Black’s BBQ just around the corner.





WHAT I JUST FINISHED READING: Eleven Days by Donald Harstad. The New Orleans Zombie Riot of 1866 by Craig Gabrysch.

My e-books can be found at and

Have a good weekend.


THE COWBOY’S BABY GOES TO HEAVEN is free today, Friday, May 30, 2014 for the Kindle and the Kindle app. Hope you take advantage. Hope you enjoy the book. This is a romantic comedy.  WHAT I READ THIS WEEK :   Rising Tides by Nora Roberts.

SATURDAY MORNING. Thank you, readers from Japan, India, Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. I appreciate your support.

FREE today for Kindle readers

FREE today for Kindle readers

Aggiecon Photos

Finally got the photos from Aggiecon. We sold thirty-one books that weekend. ARROYO, TWISTED RIXTER, TALKING TO THE DEAD GUYS, and even one THE COWBOY’S BABY.


Here we are (minus the people):

Grumpy Cat toy

Grumpy Cat toy

Another Grumpy Cat angle

Another Grumpy Cat angle

Rix Cafe Texican banner

Rix Cafe Texican banner

My other books

My other books

Aggiecon dealer's room

Aggiecon dealer’s room




Photos by Roxanne Rix


You can find my books at




WHAT I READ THIS WEEK: A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin. Dead Money by Dean Wesley Smith. Tarzan the Untamed by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Balanced on the Blade’s Edge by Lindsay Buroker. Claiming the Duchess by Sherry Thomas. Enemy Within by Kristine Kathryn Rusch.

AGGIECON and selling books

I didn’t get to go to Aggiecon, but my sister Roxanne and our friend Janet Christian went in my place.

For those of you who don’t know,  Aggiecon is a science fiction convention. And one that’s been in existence for more than forty years.

Roxanne  sold my books in the dealer’s room all weekend (and Patrick Kampman’s books) and Janet sold her books. They had to work pretty hard at it, but there was a lot of opportunity for people-watching. Enough of the  attendees wore costumes to make it quite interesting. I’m really sorry I missed that.

Roxanne sold 31 books! 

That’s a lot of sales at a small event that was more geared this year to gamers and cosplay than books and movies.

People bought Arroyo and Talking To The Dead Guys, and we even sold a couple copies of my romantic comedy novel The Cowboy’s Baby. We sold Patrick Kampman’s YA horror novels. And Janet sold her mystery novel The Case of a Cold Trail and a Hot Musket and her new science fiction book Born Rich.

From what Janet and Roxanne said, their experience mirrored the other science fiction conventions we’ve attended as book saleswomen (Armadillocon and LoneStarCon 3). You have to do some work to get people to come on down. We gave away cute little red wind-up dragons as a way to get people to our booth. Janet gave away chocolate coins. In the past we’ve given out cookies specially made to compliment the books.

I’ll post some photos next week.

You can see my books at and and and Or ask at your local bookstore. They can be ordered.

Here you can find Patrick Kampman’s books Here is Janet’s latest


WHAT I FINISHED READING THESE PAST FEW  WEEKS:  To Iraq and Back by Jessica Scott.  Inner Harbor by Nora Roberts.  The Goblin Brothers Adventures by Lindsay Buroker.  Street Justice by Kristine Nelscott. Eulalia! by Brian Jacques. Killing The Top 10 Sacred Cows of Publishing by Dean Wesley Smith.



She can leap onto couches in a single bound (It’s really interesting to watch). Chew up our leather chairs before we notice it (What’s the dog whisperer’s phone number). And prefers canned dog food to dry (No surprise there).  Feels like she’s been our dog forever.

Promotional sites

By the way, promoting your book and successfully promoting your book are two different things. I’m not going to go into whether I’ve been successful with the following sites or not. I’ve promoted my books on two. No money lost on either, since they were free.

Here are two sites that will at least get your title seen: Clean Indie Reads (for non-sexually explicit romance novels with no “F” words) and EbookSoda.  I will only mention BookBub in passing since I haven’t used it. Their services cost, and can be relatively expensive. ‎   These other two are free (at the moment). 


Clean Indie Reads utilizes Twitter and their own web page to promote your book once with a group of five to six others, but one real useful extra they offer is the continued Tweet way after your promotion time is over. They are quite generous with their attention.

 EbookSoda is a service similar to BookBub coming to us from Great Britain that sends out email blasts touting your book in a group of six to ten and sent only to subscribers who have indicated they like your genre.

I was happy with the promotions from both, and as I said, at least it got the books out where they could be noticed. As a courtesy I subscribed to get the EbookSoda emails, and I regularly scroll through them every day, sometimes even following the link back to the Amazon page. So I figure many people also pay attention.



WHAT I READ THIS WEEK:  Cross by James Patterson.  Lady 52 by Jude Hardin and J.A. Konrath.


DARWIN’S CORNER: This shorty bulldog is a good barker. Too bad she seems to bark at invisible creatures invading our front porch. I’m not going to let it turn into the story of the boy who cried wolf, though. I get up to check (yeah, right).  Photo  by Roxanne Rix. 

Learning more about writing

This past month I’ve been immersed in a writing workshop taught by Dean Wesley Smith that took up a lot of my spare time. Because of that I decided to sacrifice my normal writing time to television viewing instead. Had to watch The Following, Survivor, Under the Gunn, The Amazing Race, NCIS, Face Off, Hawaii Five-O and all the rest.

It’s been a nice learning session (and vacation from writing). Hopefully I can apply what I learned from his course.

If you’re unfamiliar with Mr. Smith, check out , he’s got a lot of experience to impart.

So, I’ve been coasting. I could have finished my second mystery novel this month, but now it will be next month.

I also did a lot of reading.

WHAT I FINALLY FINISHED READING THIS WEEK:  Shadows in the Sun by Chad Oliver. Unearthly Neighbors by Chad Oliver. The Shores of Another Sea by Chad Oliver. (All contained in an omnibus edition called From Other Shores). And WHAT I READ THIS WEEK:  Eye Spy by Tahir Shah.

Photos by Roxanne Rix. You can find my published fiction at


By now it seems like we’ve had this little bulldog forever. She takes walks, but she’s like no other dog we’ve ever owned. She doesn’t meander from one side of the road to the other, she doesn’t smell things, she doesn’t mark her territory, she doesn’t poop on other people’s lawns, and she doesn’t happily launch herself at the people and dogs we pass. She just walks. I”m not complaining. This is the first dog I’ve been able to walk  faster than.

Book covers by Glendon Haddix of Streetlight Graphics




WHAT I READ THIS WEEK: Hawaii by James Michener.  Born Rich by Janet Christian.

Books and stories by G. Rix at



This week as I was putting on my shoes in the kitchen, Darwin calmly picked up the one still  lying on the floor and marched away with it in her mouth just as pretty as you please. Thankfully I was able to rescue it before she took her first bite.

We’ve been feeding her that high-priced stew-like dog food in order to get some medicine down her. Now she doesn’t like her dry food. One day instead of writing about Boo Radley I’m going to write about the little bulldog we’ve started calling Dar.

Photo essay



Photos by Roxanne Rix.

WHAT I READ THIS WEEK:  A Clean Kill in Tokyo by Barry Eisler.  Grave Indulgence by William Doonan.





Well, we found out a couple of new things about Darwin this past week. She will chew up leather shoes. Took care of a whole pair. And yes, we shouldn’t have left them lying out on the floor to tempt her. Another thing is that she thinks the right side of the couch is her spot now. Gets real frisky if anyone else is sitting there. One more thing. She makes absolutely everyone smile who sees her. She also grunts like a little pig.