Meet the girl in the jitterbug dress


asked her : what was the inspiration for THE GIRL IN THE JITTERBUG DRESS?

My main inspiration was a longing for my husband. He was active duty Navy and frequently deployed–gone for three, six, and even ten month boat debts, usually to the Middle East). We were struggling financially, and I was at home with two young children. I wanted to write about my love for swing dancing, vintage sewing, and retro living, (cocktails, crafts, thrift-shopping). I wanted to pretend he was still there, and we were out jitterbugging and competing in dance contests. And writing was cheap entertainment for my restless heart.

At the time, I was doing a lot of sewing from vintage patterns, creating matching outfits for my son, daughter, and me. I wanted to write about that process and how fashion can define you to the world, so I knew the book had to have a jitterbug dress. Then I started thinking about where that dress came from. Why the dress was made and who wore the dress. A story began to form.

I have always loved past decades, but none more so than the 1940s war years. The bravery of not only the soldiers, but the families and communities is inspiring, not to mention the big band music–a gorgeous soundtrack for the era. But as much as I love the 40s, women were just beginning to find their independence. I would not have wanted to be a woman growing up in that era. I like the rights and freedoms I have today. So, the thought came to me to write a parallel story of two women coming-of-age in two different eras: the 1940s and the 1990s. I liked the nifty, fifty year gap, too. And of course, somehow, they’d both have to wear the jitterbug dress at some point in time.

The 1990’s also happened to be the time of the swing resurgence and the era in which I learned to jitterbug. For me, both those snapshot in time are/were magical. I had fallen in love with a handsome guy that loved old movies, big band music, and vintage shopping as much as I did. We took dance lessons, and the life consumed us. As I sat alone at night with my two babes sleeping and my husband across the world, I wanted to recapture those feelings. I could do that with writing.

How about you introducing us to your main characters.

The story follows two young women as they transition from high school students to new adults. June, the 1990s character, is a smart, quirky girl who doesn’t quite fit in with her peers. That is until she finds swing dancing and the oddball gang of characters she eventually calls friends. She keeps her emotions private and doesn’t easily share the tragedy from her childhood. Though she tries to hide it and  doesn’t let it stop her from accomplishing her goals, she also suffers from un-diagnosed panic disorder.

Violet, in the 1940s, is a spunky, stoic, and somewhat cynical character who has had to drop out of high school to work and take care of her dad. Her mother left them after a shameful scandal. Violet has therefore become jaded about love, so when she suddenly falls for a jitterbugging sailor, she’s a bit lost.

How did they come about?

Both June and Violet are amalgamations of people I know, with little parts of me thrown into each of them. My dad was in the army, so we moved around a lot. I often felt like the outsider, being the new kid in town every year or sometimes every few months. Both June and Violet share those outsider feelings in different ways and for different reasons.

I’ve also known amazing open-minded people who inspired me to be a better person and caused me to question my perceptions. I imbue both June and Violet with self-analyzing inner dialogue as they make the transition into adulthood.

Because June has led a somewhat sheltered life, she starts off a little more emotionally immature than Violet. I wanted to highlight the differences and similarities of coming-of-age in the 1940s and the 1990s. I gave Violet more social and mental maturity, but more naivety about love and relationships than June.

Give us an idea how you wrote this book.

I had had early success in my writing career with poetry, poetry slams, and journalistic writing. I was editor-in-chief for two indie mags (From the Ashes: Arts Magazine, and Swivel: Vintage Living Magazine), so when I had the idea for the novel, I thought I could just sit down and write it. After all, I was a prolific reader. And with nothing but housewife boredom and time on my hands, how hard could it be?

Yeah, harder than I thought. To write a good novel that is.

For the first Girl in the Jitterbug Dress novel (it’s now a trilogy), I loosely plotted. I had a timeline with key events  that needed to happen to each character as they moved through the narrative, eventually meeting in June’s timeline (Violet as a mature woman). I was inspired by Jane Austen (yes, I went there), Margaret Atwood, (feminist themes), and at the time was reading Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series (teen angst and first love). Those authors, and of course the bits of my favorite movies, got mashed up and put in the mix as I wrote, not to mention my love of literary language and poetry.

The first draft was a long hot mess with good characters and a cool parallel plot. Because I didn’t know any better, I overwrote everything with abundant details and too many backstory jaunts. Embarrassingly, I queried agents with the 250k manuscript, (oh yeah, two-hundred and fifty thousand words!). Of course I received rejections, but I also received asks for partials and complete manuscripts which told me the idea and characters were solid. When the manuscripts were ultimately rejected, I deciphered the agent-speak and figured out my tome was too long: “Are you planning on making this into two novels?”

I went back to editing. I cut out tons of backstory and description. Refined the dance scenes, making them more visceral. I gave my characters more nails in the road and save the cat moments. I cut the ms down to 150k. I experimented with POV and tense. Originally the ms had two first-person present tense narratives. I took the first three chapters and rewrote them in third- person present tense and third-person past tense. I sent them out to beta readers, along with the original first-person present tense. The response was overwhelming: go with third-person past tense. I rewrote the entire novel and cut it down to 125k.

I started learning how to write good novels, devouring writing-craft books. Went to writing workshops and watched writing webinars. Queried again, received requests, received rejections. Edited again based on agent comments. I found a content and developmental editor. Executed her suggested edits, combined characters, reduced 40s slang, tightened up, got rid of a few superfluous steamy scenes, and  cut the novel down to 110K. Queried again. This time receiving several offers for representation for digital first publishing. Researched the indie path and decided it was for me.

Now I’m on book five and still going strong.

And she is. Tam is part of my critique group, and one of the founding members. For the last five years we’ve met every Thursday, unless life intervenes.Tam is a master at getting rid of all the “he said” “she said” dialog tags. 

Thank you, Tam, for answering my questions. Good luck with your upcoming books.

You can buy Tam’s books here  Paperback and Kindle 

Her blog post is here

Coming Attractions

I’m a writer who belongs to a critique group of six other writers. We meet every week to comment on each other’s works in progress.

We catch typos, point out misused words, shorten paragraphs, eliminate overused words, point out clichés, find plot holes, make useful suggestions (and sometimes regrettable suggestions), and sometimes brainstorm.

We are each other’s line editors, copy editors, proofreaders, and development editors. For no charge, except our time.

I’d like to introduce you to our group. One by one.

Maybe next week.

WHAT I READ THIS WEEK:  Fat Cat Art by Sveltlana Petrova. Breaking News by G.G. Vandagriff. Second Hand Heart by Catherine Ryan Hyde.


Photo by Roxanne Rix. Monster photo op by The Gas Station, Bastrop, TX. Illustration for ILL MET BY MOONLIGHT by Streetlight Graphics.

Cat Rambo reviews THE GOODALL MUTINY by Gretchen Rix

Cat Rambo reviews THE GOODALL MUTINY by Gretchen Rix for the The Green Man Review.

The Goodall Mutiny, by Gretchen Rix, takes a couple of chapters to find its legs and starts with a focus on horned rhinoceros beetles that leads the reader to think the beetles will prove a bigger plot point than they do (admittedly the idiosyncrasy of that detail may be delightful enough to counterbalance it), but emerges as a decent mystery read set aboard a failing space vessel. When Lieutenant Joan Chikage of the U.S.S. Goodall is attacked by her petty officer, she finds herself caught up in a mysterious and murderous mutiny that pits the remaining crew against each other. (Rix Café Texican, 2016)

WHAT I READ THIS WEEK (actually, the last couple of weeks): Where We Belong by Catherine Ryan Hyde. The Shimmer by David Morrell. Consequences by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Extremes by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. House of Purple Cedar by Tim Tingle.

You can find my books at and all the other usual spots.

Almost to the brink of the cover reveal!

My newest novel is done. Sitting waiting for the proofreader to return from vacation. Once she’s vetted it, it’s off to be formatted. They have the cover already, and I honestly hope my book is worthy of its absolutely beautiful cover.

This will be the 14th book I’ve written from start to finish. Book number one won’t see the light of day (don’t ask). And I have three or four (or even more) half-written novels in drawers around here somewhere. I do plan on finishing one of them, but the others will probably just die. Probably. Which is why I recommend finishing what you start. Always finish what you start.

This evening I’m going back to a novel I put on hold more than a year ago. I thought it important to write book two and three in my space opera series. Step one is to re-read what I have. Hopefully, it’s good enough that I pick up where I ended and move on with it. We’ll see. If not, I’ll have to follow the advice I’m setting out below.

This book I just finished has been the hardest to write. And that’s because I redrafted it from beginning to end. Thought I had enough good in the original that I could copy and paste my edits, but ninety percent of it turned out to need new material. Hope I never try this again. My advice here is to get your characters in your head, familiarize yourself with the original plot, then throw the original away (somewhere you’ll never find it) and start from scratch. Page One.  



WHAT I HAVE READ IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS: Heaven Adjacent by Catherine Ryan Hyde, A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby, This Time Around by Tawna Fenste, Outsider by Stephen King, Everybody Dies by J. A. Konrath, The Warrior’s Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold.

The meaning of hubris, part two

HUBRIS–excessive pride, arrogance, self-importance, pomposity, and more.

Well, I’ll tell you a story about my recent, sort-of-warranted put-down.

My sister and I vacationed a couple of months ago in West Texas. Our hotel had a flyer lying around on the check-in desk for a local author reading and book-signing. Why not! we said. Let’s support the local author.

Turned out the local author didn’t need our support, he had what looked like the support of the whole tiny town we were in. He gave a great reading, we were welcomed very graciously by the other attendees, and we bought his thirty-dollar book.

The event was held in their tiny, tiny library. On the way out, while everyone else was still in with the writer and quaffing wine, eating snacks and buying books, I had the neat, self-serving (see hubris definition) idea of offering paperback copies of all my twelve novels to the library. Free. No postage charges or anything.

They hedged pretty nicely about it, but then declined. No books get added to their stock without going through a rigid gatekeeper process that requires at least one review by some publication like The New York Times. Well, that alone disqualifies me from this library, and all others, from here to eternity. Reviews are near to impossible to get for self-published, just-for-fun books like mine.

Came back home to find a review from famous science fiction writer Cat Rambo of my walking, talking, murdering macadamia tree short story collection. My sister wanted me to send it to the aforesaid library. Nah. But here it is for you.

From The Green Man Review:

Along with the furry fiction, I wanted to point to an indie humorous horror collection that is one of the most specifically themed I have yet encountered, Ill Met by Moonlight by Gretchen Rix (Rix Cafe Texican, 2016), which features evil macadamia nut trees, including “Macadamias on the Move,” “Ill Met by Moonlight,” and “The Santa Tree” in a lovely sample of how idiosyncratic a sub-sub-niche can get. The production values of this slim little book show what a nice job an indie can do with a book and include a black and white illustration for each story.

So there!









You can find my books at and at Smashwords, Nook, and Bookpeople. Plus downtown in beautiful Lockhart, Texas.




WHAT I READ THIS WEEK:  Obscura by Joe Hart. Treasure Island by Robert Lewis Stevenson. The Chronological Man: The Monster in the Mist by Andrew Mayne. Banker by Dick Francis. Jack Daniels Stories by J. A. Konrath.

Look up meaning of hubris

I meant to do another post this week (see the headline), but a lot of questions came up while I was on vacation. You might be interested in what they were. (Probably not).

Is Jimmy Dean dead? I said no, because I’d just seen a commercial where he expressed a current opinion. My sister said uh uh to the commercial content. Died a long time ago. She was right. 2010. I’m used to seeing Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kellly hawk items on TV. I guess Jimmy Dean has joined their club.

Are shingles contagious? I didn’t think so. I was half right. Turns out shingles are not contagious, but someone suffering from shingles can pass on the virus to someone else and they will get chicken pox which in turn can give them shingles later in life.

How old was Gertrude Bell when she first met T.E. Lawrence? I decided it didn’t matter. I think I have her mixed up with someone else. My question arose while watching the last three-fourths of Queen of the Desert on TV. Nicole Kidman played the title role. The film was all gloriously free of any desert travel realities (no one got dysentery, no one got sunburned, no one starved, etc), just one lovely trek from one Bedouin camp to the next while WWI was getting started. Nicole Kidman was beautiful, the camels were beautiful, and Robert Pattinson as T.E. Lawrence was about a foot too tall for the role.  









Interested in my books? You can find them here

They are also on




WHAT I READ THIS WEEK:  Leaving Blythe River by Catherine Ryan Hyde, The Naturalist by Andrew Mayne, Looking Glass by Andrew Mayne, Bound By Your Touch by Meredith Duran.

Getting close to writing the end of a book I should have finished already

I’m getting close to writing the end of a book I should have finished already. I’m working on Chapter 27 of what probably is a 33-chapter novel.

I read too much. Watch too much TV. (The adaptation of Dan Simmons’ The Terror will be on TV real soon. I’m going to give up the end of The Alienist and the rest of The Good Doctor to watch it in “real time,” even though I’ve read it.)

Like everything I write, my most recent book is my best book. I’m thinking of trying this out in the Kindle Scout program. I’ve certainly read a lot of good books coming out of it. Got to finish it first, though.

In the meantime, go to and listen to the sample from ILL MET BY MOONLIGHT. 





WHAT I READ THIS WEEKOne Hundred Reasons by Kelly Collins, A Beautiful Poison by Lydia Kang, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. Chanur’s Venture by C.J. Cherryh, Shadow Soldiers by Jim Heskett.


You can find my books here at