Halloween on our minds

We took a drive all over the older neighborhoods of Lockhart looking at Halloween decorations. Was fun. Some people have been very creative. We didn’t take pictures.

The poster above is for the Audible version of my comic horror series of stories about a species of dangerous WALKING trees. It’s a fun book to read, it’s an even more enjoyable experience to have Bill read it to you.

Happy Halloween (in advance).

Illustration by Streetlight Graphics

I don’t have a picture of my cat

I have pictures of our dogs throughout the years

And my other cats

But not of the little (actually he’s pretty big) cat who lives with me now. He’s recovering from dental surgery this week and hasn’t turned back into his true self yet.

On another note I’m writing a short story for a mystery anthology, if they accept it of course.

Thank you very much Marj, Art, Sulan, Julia, Scott, Robert, Kat, and Armadillocon attendees

For buying my books this weekend. Hope you will enjoy them. Even though we sat at our sales table three days straight (meaning we didn’t go to any of the panels or other fun things) we really enjoyed our weekend at Armadillocon (Austin, TX). Had fun. Felt welcomed. And sold enough of my books to make us happy.

The picture above was what I used as the cover of my very first book The Cowboy’s Baby. (Changed it later on).

My bad

Hello Armadillocon!

I didn’t realize I’d given out the link to my not so interesting blog instead of my book website Rix Cafe Texican until this morning . Roxanne and I are looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Armadillocon is a fun convention. We’ve been vendors selling my books for about ten years (or maybe less).I write entertaining novels and short stories.

This year we are bringing at least one copy of everything I have ever published.

The Cowboy’s Baby and The Cowboy’s Baby Goes to Heaven are PG rated romance novels about a miniature longhorn bull. The Cimarron Bride and The Safari Bride are women’s adventure romance novels and are not PG. Brown and Browner are light mystery novels set in San Antonio. Talking to the Dead Guys and Tea With A Dead Gal are light mysteries set in Lockhart written about our dog Boo Radley.

The Goodall Mutiny and The Goodall Manifest and The Goodall Marauders are space opera and almost my favorites. A Resurrection of Starlings take that spot. Took me twenty years to write and is a Western horror novel set on stalled train near Palestine, Texas that just might have Jack the Ripper on board.

I’ll stop right here. I think I have twenty different books to offer. Come see us in the dealer’s room.

Time is too short

Time has always been too short. You likely never get to do all you want to do. And the older you get the quicker time passes.

What’s this I’m yammering about? Books. Reading books. I have so many books I want to re-read (you notice I didn’t say read?) that I’ve made myself a rule.


So, back in my own private library shelves (I really should sell them or give them away but I won’t) go Truman Capote’s BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S and Ken Follett”s CODE ZERO.

I’m re-reading THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy. (And I so wish I had written them!) And I’m still reading Gai-Jin. And getting ready to read one of Sherry Thomas’s romance novels.

Writers Block

I have never believed in writer’s block. And I don’t now, even if I’m showing symptoms of it. It’s laziness on my part (I’d rather read right now). I’m stuck writing on Chapter 6 of my WIP with about 15 more chapters to go. I may be down to a one book a year author. If that.

On another subject, Draft2Digital is almost finished publishing 19 of my novels in e-book. Romance, mystery, science fiction, horror, short stories, even one western. Check it out.

I don’t think I look much like this, but …

Got sick. Better now. Took a short walk for exercise this morning. Ate a lunch I hope to never eat again (instant heartburn). Bagel and cream cheese and Coca-Cola plus See’s chocolate (frozen) for dinner. Bet I gain a pound over that. Most of the way through one of Lindsay Buroker’s exciting series.

It’s very hot in Texas this week.

This and that

I’m making good progress on my new mystery novel, but can do better. (The same goes for my exercise routine).

Went out to the movies, saw IF. Very ambitious storytelling. Was totally impressed. Visits to the Snake Farm and later in the week to Natural Caverns Wildlife Drive-through Park were fun. I’m re-reading Sherry Thomas’s 7th Sherlock Holmes novel waiting on the 8th to come out. Am still reading Gai-Jin, the twenty pound hardback I wish was on my Kindle instead.

And just found that Chris Pine is going to be at one of the San Antonio comic-cons this summer. Have to think about it. Do I want to see this other version of Captain Kirk after seeing William Shatner at least three times already?

Good evening.

Forgotten Bones, the mystery novel by Vivian Barz is one of the latest books I’ve finished reading. It was so good that I eventually stayed up all night while on vacation to finish it. Highly recommended, except for the first salacious chapter that almost made me discard the book.

Took mystery writer Patrick Kelly out to lunch (Terry Black’s BBQ). He’s an author to watch. All of his books are very good.

Binge watched Season 2 of The Mandalorian, binge watched Season 1 of The Amazing Race. Watched The Kentucky Derby (after watching the movie Secretariat). And am working on my mystery novel again.

Photo is of me at our Derby Party.

Nothing much

This week I’m reading several books.

I’m re-reading Gai-Jin by James Clavell, a ten-pound hardback that I remember not at all. Re-reading the first book in The Expanse series of science fiction writer James S.A. Corey Leviathan Wakes that I pretty much remember. Still reading (and reading it out loud to my cat) the fantasy novel Mystic by Jason Denzel. And have finished reading Patrick Kelly’s newest mystery novel Murder At Dawn (This one I couldn’t put down.)

After what was likely a six-month vacation from writing, I’m working on the end of  Chapter 4 of my new mystery novel.