I need to put my butt in the chair and write.

It would solve all my problems. And I don’t believe in writer’s block. I believe in laziness and loss of interest.

But instead I got excited this week about the opportunity to put one (or more) of my books on an Apple version of Audible. Wanted to offer my very best book, A Resurrection of Starlings.

But my dream faded by day’s end after I looked at it realistically. The narrators would have been AI’s. And I can’t imagine AI’s (at this point of time) knowing how to get the interludes (that’s what I’m calling the digressions and explanations of the story dotting my Jack the Ripper western) right. In print it’s formatted so the reader knows this is important to the story but not the story. itself. And I think I read it right, that after the Apple process is started, there is no way to proofread it, so to speak.

So. Maybe another of my books? And why not hire a narrator like the other eleven of my books that are on Audible?

Can’t afford it. And I don’t really have the time.

I need to be writing books. I’m stalled in the middle of my third Boo Radley mystery novels. I should never have stopped writing.

Word to the wise—don’t ever stop writing.

What am I reading this week? The second book in The Expanse series. What am I watching this week? The movies Twister, Dr. No, To Russia With Love, and the original TV series Star Trek.

Here is a link to A Resurrection of Starlings   https://books2read.com/u/311vPa

It’s good.

La La La La La

I wish I was a better writer (and yes, I know it’s were) so I could persuade people to watch the news (but not FOX). We are living through dangerous times. All I’ve got to contribute is fluff (my novels) and money (ALCU and Mark Kelly).

Sort of Lost in Space, but it’s somewhat relevant–the crew has been abandoned to save themselves.

Cold here. Actually had snow on the ground this week

This is actually me about a year ago at Moody Gardens in Galveston.

It’s nearly the end of January 2025 as I write this. Last week I was immersed in a writing class for writers who want to learn to write better space operas. I learned that I can write a 3,000 word short story in three days! One I am proud of. (Still waiting on opinion of the teacher). But that’s good to know. That I can write that much. I plan on using some of that determination on finishing my in-progress mystery novel. If I could do it with the stories, I can do it with the novel. Yay me! Maybe I’ll start posting my progress,

I just finished reading Robert Harris’s novel CONCLAVE. I pretty much didn’t want to put it down. Hope the movie is as good.


We are attempting a non-traditional Christmas tomorrow. Happy Panda (that’s our name for Panda Express) Chinese food and movies, movies, movies. Since Ben Hur is an Easter movie and The Ten Commandments doesn’t fall into either category, and they are the only religious movies we own, we are going with Godzilla Minus One, Die Hard, and IF. We just finished watching Jumanji 2, a really entertaining movie right up there with Galaxy Quest.

Have a peaceful day, folks.

Vacation highlights continued

What I learned while on vacation last month.

I was reminded that the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler, TX is one of the best zoos in Texas. We accidentally went there the day it was opened to trick-or-treaters in costume. Hundreds of kids and their parents went from station to station in Halloween costumes gathering candy and having fun. The entire zoo was decked out with spiders and ghouls and skeletons and spiderwebs.

My sister and I were astonished by how helpful and nice everyone in the crowd was. A stranger even paid for our admission to the park ($17.00 each) with a smile and a God Bless in parting. Have never had that happen before. After the zoo we headed to Lindale and the Lindale Candy Shop who kept their doors open for us after closing time. A fun place to just look at. Barbie Dolls dressed in candy gowns!!!

Down here in Texas

What I learned while on vacation last week.

I learned that Franklin, Texas was a good stopping point for a long trip, (Austin area to Tyler.) We’d originally planned a trip I-35 to Waco and to Magnolia for lunch, but there were no hotel rooms to be had anywhere near Waco. Figured it was an important Baylor University football night and was right.

On another topic, I finally finished reading Gai-Jin by James Clavell. The five-pound (my estimate) 1000-page small-print hardbound epic that goes after Shogun and before Noble House.

Never again. I could hardly hold it and I cheated by skimming. Halfway through I only read the European side of the story. I’m sure the Japanese side of the plot was the more interesting. Maybe they’ll make it a mini-series.

Halloween on our minds

We took a drive all over the older neighborhoods of Lockhart looking at Halloween decorations. Was fun. Some people have been very creative. We didn’t take pictures.

The poster above is for the Audible version of my comic horror series of stories about a species of dangerous WALKING trees. It’s a fun book to read, it’s an even more enjoyable experience to have Bill read it to you.

Happy Halloween (in advance).

Illustration by Streetlight Graphics

I don’t have a picture of my cat

I have pictures of our dogs throughout the years

And my other cats

But not of the little (actually he’s pretty big) cat who lives with me now. He’s recovering from dental surgery this week and hasn’t turned back into his true self yet.

On another note I’m writing a short story for a mystery anthology, if they accept it of course.