I really am working on Chapter Four now. On what I’m calling WARM HEART. Sounds like I’m taking a break, though.
We were at the zoo Wednesday, petting the rhinos. Or more accurately, petting the mud that was on the rhinos. Very humbling to be within inches of these animals (they on their side of the enclosure and we on the other).
I’ve used the San Antonio zoo twice as pivotal plot points or settings in two of my stories: the one above (I changed its name to protect the innocent), and BROWN, a mystery novel by G.L. Rix (that’s me).
Did you know that in some books and even in some movies the setting is considered a character? It’s an interesting concept.
Watched the beginning of The Ten Commandments tonight, stopped and watched (slept through about half of it) Hellraiser. Didn’t enjoy any of it. Went back and watched the last three hours of The Ten Commandments . Which I did enjoy. I’ve watched The Ten Commandments many, many times. Strangely enough, it’s still a good movie. I’m getting rid of my DVD of Hellraiser. I’ll read Clive Barker’s The Hellbound Heart once more if I every want to relive that experience.