New writing

THE SAFARI BRIDE is the first of three non-related romance novels I’ve planned. You can see it here I haven’t re-read it recently, but I liked it then, I’ll probably like it now.  

THE CIMARRON BRIDE was the second planned book, and it’s what I’m working on now. That was another story. I started it about two years ago on a train ride to Dallas and back, plus all the time in the hotel room. It’s been finished for quite a while, but when I took it out to check for typos, etc, I found I didn’t like what I was reading.

THE CIMARRON BRIDE is undergoing what is called a re-draft. I ruthlessly cut out all the chapters I didn’t like reading, and am working my way through the rest, which I do like. Quite a bit.

It’s very interesting working this way, and a lot easier to get it right the first time through than with a re-draft. And I’d considered it, too. Just tossing the whole thing, keeping the characters and the plot but none of the actual writing at all.

This will be a more traditional type of romance novel than I’ve attempted before. I’ve got the marvelous novels of Sherry Thomas to thank for that. When I finally ventured from Not Quite A Husband to the rest of her books, I began to realize what was wrong with THE CIMARRON BRIDE. Thank  you, Sherry.

Wish me luck. I hope to finish my book by the end of October. Then I’m going to wait. Until I can read it with fresh eyes. Hopefully, I’ll like it this time. If not, I’ll be trying the re-write from scratch method.

P.S. I really hope the redraft method works because I’ve had something really special just waiting for me to get good enough to fix.

WHAT I READ THIS WEEKThe Emperor’s Edge by Lindsay Buroker.  The Western Star by Craig Johnson.