A True Story

TRUE STORY—I was absently perusing Twitter while composing a highly complementary post about the Court Street Coffee Shop in Seguin and how it’s maybe just as good as BIRD Bakery in San Antonio, and a Tweet from Armie Hammer popped up. He’s an actor. Recently nominated for an Academy Award.

Armie Hammer’s wife owns BIRD Bakery. I think he does, too.

I follow Armie Hammer on Twitter, he does not follow me back. I was surprised by the coincidence of me thinking about his business and having his Tweet pop up at the same time and tempted to send him a Tweet saying so.


Should have.

He probably doesn’t read them.

But back to my original idea—the scones I ate at Court Street Coffee Shop in Seguin and the muffins (ditto) and the cucumber sandwich and the hummus and fruit and cucumber and bread tray…all just as good as BIRD Bakery. Court Street just doesn’t have the scrumptious cupcakes and cakes that BIRD does. Or the décor.

We often stop and eat at BIRD Bakery when we are in San Antonio. It is always a pleasant and tasty experience. Everyone’s nice. I guess the only drawback is sometimes there aren’t enough parking spots. But we’re going to make an effort to eat at Court Street too from now on. Some of the time. Maybe every other trip. Check it out. And while you’re at it, check out BIRD Bakery. There’s also one in Dallas.

Photo is from my recent book signing in Sequin at said Court Street Coffee Shop. Wonder if we could ever talk BIRD Bakery into hosting one. They’ve already got a special room set aside.

Totally will never happen.

Thank you, Court Street Coffee Shop. The book signing was actually fun. We made new friends and sold some copies of BROWN, a mystery novel by G.L. Rix (that’s my pseudonym for this sort of mystery). We will be back.