My bad

Hello Armadillocon!

I didn’t realize I’d given out the link to my not so interesting blog instead of my book website Rix Cafe Texican until this morning . Roxanne and I are looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Armadillocon is a fun convention. We’ve been vendors selling my books for about ten years (or maybe less).I write entertaining novels and short stories.

This year we are bringing at least one copy of everything I have ever published.

The Cowboy’s Baby and The Cowboy’s Baby Goes to Heaven are PG rated romance novels about a miniature longhorn bull. The Cimarron Bride and The Safari Bride are women’s adventure romance novels and are not PG. Brown and Browner are light mystery novels set in San Antonio. Talking to the Dead Guys and Tea With A Dead Gal are light mysteries set in Lockhart written about our dog Boo Radley.

The Goodall Mutiny and The Goodall Manifest and The Goodall Marauders are space opera and almost my favorites. A Resurrection of Starlings take that spot. Took me twenty years to write and is a Western horror novel set on stalled train near Palestine, Texas that just might have Jack the Ripper on board.

I’ll stop right here. I think I have twenty different books to offer. Come see us in the dealer’s room.