BROWN and THE GOODALL MARAUDERS. Sounds like a movie, or a book title. And you’re right, but it’s two book titles! Against my better judgement, I’m writing two books at the same time.

Going all out in the month of March to write and finish writing THE GOODALL MARAUDERS, which is book three in my series. And in my spare time, continuing the adventures of BROWN, which was meant to be my first thriller, but is really a straight murder mystery with a bit of offbeat humor.

I’m on Chapter Three of THE GOODALL MARAUDERS (and this chapter’s giving me fits) and on Chapter Twelve of BROWN. I’m not worried about any unintended crossovers between the two. They are very different stories. The one set in San Antonio, Texas, and the other in deep space. (Just finished Chapter Twelve of BROWN. What fun! Really. It’s fun writing).

It will be interesting to see if I can work on the two at once. You can find my books here











WHAT I READ THIS WEEK:  Crosstalk by Connie Willis.