A Halloween Poem




This week we raided Walmart.

And Buc-ees.

And Walgreen’s.

Got Milk Duds. Whoppers. Junior Mints. Reece’s Pumpkin- shaped Peanut Butter Cups.

Lifesavers. Sugar Daddies and Lemonheads. Goobers. Giant Hershey Bars. Tiny Hershey Bars. Popcorn Balls. Bit-O-Honey. Tootsie Pops.

Got Gummies’ Earthworms. Root Beer Barrels. Hot Tamales.

Wax bottles of various mysterious flavors (Boy, do I remember those!)

Bubble gum. Tiny Tootsie Rolls. Kit Kats. Candy Corn.rsz_halloween_postcards_c__1900s_asian_pumpkin_head_2

Got to have Candy Corn.

Milky Ways. Butterfingers. Three Musketeers.

Mr. Goodbars. Jaw Busters. Rainbow Pops. Smarties. Jolly Ranchers.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Ghosts. Snickers. Krackles.

And then there’s the toys.

Smiling-sharks. Beach balls. Wind-up mummies.

Long-armed hanging Draculas, Frankensteins, and Mummies.

Other stuff I don’t remember anymore.

Oriental Trading loves us.

Walmart loves us. Ditto the others.

The twenty or so kids we expect for Trick-or-Treat this upcoming Monday are going to make out like bandits.






WHAT I READ THIS WEEK (actually, what I’ve read recently):  Virus: 72 Hours To Live by Ray Jay Perreault. The Bookseller by Mark Pryor. Odd Adventures With Your Other Father by Norman Prentiss. Flaming London by Joe R. Lansdale.

FIND MY BOOKS AT http://barnesandnoble.com/c/gretchen-rix AT http://amazon.com/author/gretchenrix AT http://smashwords.com/books/view/79235 and AT BOOKPEOPLE  (AUSTIN), LOGOS, BUFFALO CLOVER, PRINTING SOLUTIONS (LOCKHART).